You weren't put on this earth to simply break-even.. |
I Will Need To Advertise, What Is The Best Way To Go About That?You are a mum who has decided to start your own home based business. One aspect of running any business is reaching out to potential customers and advertising your products or services. Large companies have a marketing and advertising division which handles all aspects of marketing the business. You however, are running your home based business yourself. You know that you will need to advertise and now want to know what is the best way to go about it? As a work from home mum with your own business, cost is something you need to keep in mind when advertising. Generally, especially in the start up phase, many work from home mums do not have extra funds to use for expensive advertising campaigns. There are ways though that you can effectively advertise your business for little to no cost. The first and one of the most effective ways that you can advertise your home based business is word of mouth. Long before televisions, the Internet and newspapers were popular ways to advertise, word of mouth was the only way to spread information about a business. Due to new technologies, most people do not consider the use and effectiveness of word of mouth advertising in today's marketplace. You can advertise your business by starting with the people you communicate with most; your friends and your family. Your friends and your family will be the people who will be more apt to talk about your business to others when you are in the start up phase and long after your home based business gets going. After you gain customers, they too will also spread the word about your business. This is why it is very important to offer your customers great service and treat them with respect. Now that we do have technology such as the Internet, it is a great tool to advertise your home based business. These days, you can get a free website and free hosting so there is no cost to you. Even if you decide to pay for your own domain name and hosting, the cost is low compared to other advertising methods such as television and newspapers. Setting up a website to advertise your business is also time saving and instructions are provided on how to set up a site if you are using a free website with hosting included. Other cost effective ways of advertising your business include; business cards, promotional flyers and mailers, and email signatures. You can easily print your own business cards from home if you have a computer and printer. There are several websites available where you can design your business card and just click print. You can also do the same for promotional mailers and other promotional advertisements that you would like to mail to people. Email signatures are found at the end of a person's email. No matter what kind of email you are using, most allow you to set up a signature. This signature will appear at the end of every email that you write and you can even include a link to your website or state that you are the owner of your home based business. When it comes to advertising your home based business, be creative. Owning your own business allows you to advertise however you see best fit for your business. Whatever way you decide to advertise your home based business, just remember to keep it professional. |